Now that summer is right around the corner, it is the ideal time to get in shape by shedding off all the weight that you have gained during the winter months and show off your beach body. When it comes to dieting and weight loss, there are only two rules: eat healthy food and exercise! However, it is important to note that these two rules might be hard to follow. For a lot of people, it gets difficult to count and manage what they eat in 24 hours. While for other people, the most difficult part is taking time out of their busy schedules to exercise.

Lisa Fotios/Pexels | It’ll take a while to get used to but you’ll start feeling a lot better after you’ve made the switch
Everyone wants the easy way out and so, here are some simple and easy tips that are definitely going to transform your diet!
1. Eat Slowly
It may sound like an ineffective tip but you’ll be shocked to realize how much and how often you eat when you are not paying attention. When you are mindful of what you’re eating, you will feel fuller faster. So, while eating, take your time so that your brain has ample time to acknowledge the food entering your body and can indicate when you’re full.

Lisa Fotios/Pexels | Studies have confirmed that eating slowly reduces the number of calories that you take
2. Opt For Whole Grain Instead Of Refined Carbs
Whether it is the bread that you are looking to go to town on or tortilla wraps, always choose whole grain wheat. Whole grains are fulfilling, loaded with nutrition as well as fiber, and are generally great for your health. On the other hand, refined carbs come with a higher glycemic index and provide little to no nutrition for the body.
3. Incorporate Protein Into Your Meals
Protein is important for nutrition and maintains or increases your muscle volume while also aiding in weight loss. It also has other benefits such as cell development and regeneration. Since protein is filling, it helps in controlling the irrational hunger spikes at odd times. You can include a sizable portion of protein in every meal of the day for the perfect diet plan.

Foodie Factor/Pexels | You can also opt for protein powder which is a great way to keep up with your protein intake
Coupled with a healthy diet and exercise, these simple tips are going to help you get the summer body that you want (and deserve!).