With the rising temperatures across the US and all over the world, it seems like people should learn how to cope up with warmer climates as they are not going anywhere in the near future. Temperatures across the world have risen, and in parts of the world not used to higher temperatures, people are finding it difficult to cope up with the intense heat. There have been announcements across the state to take preventive measures against dangerously excessive heat, as extremely high temperatures can be very harmful, or downright deadly, for some people. Even for the healthier population, high temperatures can cause a number of different diseases and conditions, especially if exposed to the heat for too long.

Bindle Bottle/Unsplash. Hydrate yourself frequently and wear loose clothing to let your body regulate its temperature
Here are some tips for you to stay cool and safe in case of dangerously high temperatures in your area:
Do not leave the shade:
This sounds like an obvious precaution, but it is also one of the most helpful tips in staying safe from heat. Staying in shade and away from direct sunlight is one way to stay cooler. An area with direct sunlight can be fifteen degrees hotter than the area under shade.

vargazs/Pixabay. Keep cool by washing your face and limbs with cold water during a heat wave.
If you must go out, apply sunscreen liberally all over to avoid sunburn. Having a sunburn can affect your body’s ability to cool itself. Carry an umbrella for added protection and shade and wear lighter clothes for better heat absorption.
Wear loose clothes:
Loose clothing helps your body regulate its temperature so it can cool off better. If you see someone overheating, remove all excess clothing and make sure they are not wearing something too tight or restrictive. Sit in front of a fan or an air conditioner to cool down faster.
Hydration is key:
This sounds like another very obvious way of staying cool, but it is extremely efficient too. Keep your fluid intake high, and consume cold water or electrolytes to keep yourself hydrated. Sodas and caffeinated drinks must be avoided on hot days as they can dehydrate you further.

Lubomirkin/Unsplash. Keep yourself immersed in cold water to cool yourself down
Immerse yourself in cool water:
Applying cool water to your skin works great in terms of regulating body temperature. While cold showers work well, spritzing cool wate on your skin or using a cooling fan to spray water on you is an efficient way to keep yourself cool on intensely hot days.