Do you think that your child is not feeling like themselves lately? Travel restrictions and social distancing have taken a toll on everyone, including children. Spending two years without any social interaction and being forced into attending classes online from their bedroom may have led your little one to feel chronically bored and tired. As a parent, you can play a role in breaking this pattern with hobbies and activities. This year, why not help...
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Now that summer is right around the corner, it is the ideal time to get in shape by shedding off all the weight that you have gained during the winter months and show off your beach body. When it comes to dieting and weight loss, there are only two rules: eat healthy food and exercise! However, it is important to note that these two rules might be hard to follow. For a lot of people,...
It is common advice these days to drink plenty of water, and for good reason. We have been told constantly that our bodies as humans are made of about 70% water and water is necessary for almost every function the human body carries out. In truth, the human body is 60% made up of water and it is not unusual to find water levels between 45% and 75%. The amount of water in a human...
Loving yourself for who you are, and caring for yourself both physically and mentally, can often seem overwhelming or even selfish. But pay no heed to the naysayers, and learn to love yourself despite all the negativity life throws at you. Here is what the greats have to say when it came to self-care: Oprah Winfrey on being there for yourself: Oprah tells us to always work on yourself since we are the only ones...