Getting pedicures is a great practice to ensure our feet remain healthy and clean!
What you must remember though, is to get your pedicure from a salon that is reliable, practices hygiene correctly, and uses properly sanitized equipment. If these things aren’t noted, you might be risking walking out with something other than just pretty feet.
The American Academy Of Dermatology brought to the world’s notice that pedicures come with certain health risks, some of which include nail fungus, athlete’s foot, and bacterial skin infection.

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By presenting all this information, we do not intend to stop you from getting pedicures. No siree.
However, we would suggest that you take the following precautions into consideration so that the safety of your feet is ensured.
#1 - No More Getting Cuticles Cut
The cuticles around your nails are there for a reason. Cuticles are made out of extremely thin tissues, but they play the role of a protective barrier against fungus and bacteria. If they are cut, there is a huge risk of developing an infection on your feet. So when you sit down and give your feet over to the technician, tell them to leave the cuticles be.

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#2 - Shaving Day Comes After Pedicure Day
It’s strictly suggested by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Environmental Protection Agency that one should not use hair removal creams, shave, or wax their legs during the 24 hours before their pedicure. The process of hair removal tends to cause cuts or subtle scraping on your skin that you might fail to notice. If these openings are there during the pedicure process, you are at risk of fungus or bacterial infection.
#3 - Take Your Own Pedicure Tools
It is quite easy for fungus and bacteria to move from one surface to another and transfer from one person to the next. In this case, pedicure utensils would be the biggest source of bacteria and fungus transferring from one person to another. Thus, it is advisable that every individual who is going to get a pedicure brings their own supplies such as emery boards and nail buffers because even in the fanciest of salons, it isn’t a given that the tools are replaced after every client.

Pexels | Safest to have them use your own tools so as to not risk infection
So there you have it!
There’s no reason you can’t be safe while maintaining the health of your feet. The next time you have a salon trip, remember these tips.