When it comes to fashion and glamor, few names stand out as prominently as Naomi Campbell. As one of the sought-after models from the 1980s to today, she has graced countless catwalks across the world and captivated audiences with her beauty, grace, and style. But what about her diet plan? What exactly does the glamorous model eat to maintain an incredible look despite crossing the standard age?

E-News / Naomi Campbell, 52, is one of the most glamorous models all the way from the 80s to today.
It turns out that the supermodel lives by an “incredible” diet plan. Not only he says no to junk food. But she is also picky when it comes to eating the right food. In this article, we take a look at how Naomi Campbell maintains her incredible figure.
Campbell's Diet Plan
Naomi Campbell follows a strict diet plan that she believes keeps her looking fit and feeling healthy. Her daily menu consists of the following:
- Fresh fruit for breakfast
- Protein shakes for lunch
- Either fish or chicken for dinner.

Vanessa / Pexels / Naomi Campbell makes sure to eat a balanced diet and refrain from junk foods.
Similarly, she also makes sure to eat plenty of vegetables and other healthy snacks throughout the day. Campbell also believes in avoiding processed foods and eating mostly organic ingredients whenever possible. And that is one of the secrets to her glorious looks.
Exercise Routine
To complete her diet routine, Naomi makes sure to exercise regularly. She follows a strict regimen of both cardio and weight lifting. She believes this combination helps keep her body toned and firm while allowing her to enjoy some flexibility with her diet plan.
Additionally, she also spends time stretching in order to maintain an even more slender physique. This is something she believes gives her an edge when it comes to fashion shoots or any other special occasion that might require more attention paid to physical appearance than usual.
Healthy Habits to Live By
In addition to diet and exercise, Campbell also maintains a few healthy habits that help her stay in shape. She drinks plenty of water throughout the day, as well as avoiding unhealthy snacks or processed food.

Vidal / Pexels / The English-born supermodel makes sure to drink at least seven glasses of water a day.
Moreover, she believes in getting plenty of sleep and rest for overall well-being.
Quick Sum Up & Recap
Naomi Campbell's diet plan has allowed her to remain at the top of her game for many years now. Her commitment to maintaining a strict regimen of eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and taking care of herself by getting adequate rest. And all that has helped keep her looking young and beautiful despite growing older.
Apart from that, the 52 years old English-born model makes sure that she takes quality full night’s sleep to boost her overall well-being. And these are some of the untold secrets that she still maintains a healthy body and mind despite her age. So, next time when you see Naomi Campbell with her ageless look, remember the "strict" diet plan that she follows.